I was going to do the obligatory photo-dump of everything I got for Christmas, but since we’re moving next week it all got loaded up and hauled away before I even had a chance to enjoy most of it! I’ll have to wait until March, or later, to really get my hands on those goodies. I mostly got books, socks, money gifts and whole bunch of delicious doo-dah inbetween!
Some of my favorite presents came from my friend Dorian. When it comes to being an artist, he is the exact opposite from me– Dorian’s a “man’s man” and loves to work with his hands, so what better to give us for Christmas than his very own ceramics? Though I’m not sure it was intentional, the vase he gifted me reminds me of chakras. The mug is for Chris and holds an ungodly amount of coffee!

Chris’s sister, Lindy, and her fiance, Danny, gave us a bottle of homemade limoncello, which I’d never had before. I took the tinyest of sips after unwrapping it and I felt instant warmth in my belly. Good stuff! And the corked bottles are adorable, to boot.
Allyson asked me not to give her anything for the holidays, which I can respect because I always feel a twinge of guilt when someone outside the family gives me something and I have nothing to reciprocate with. I consider all the little dates we’ve had with each other this last month to be enough of a gift for the both of us, though… I will miss her dearly!
Other not-pictured things to be excited for: Moleskine weekly planner, SmartWool socks
and cat-pattern socks (!), The Devious Book for Cats
, a couple Terry Pratchett
books, VCTOTW
, Thai phrasebook & CD
, delicious local chocolate bars and all the Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa
you can dream of!
For New Year’s we kept it simple with the roomies, where Charissa joined us for an exhilarating night of Skip-Bo, Quiddler
and E! True Hollywood Stories. I’m pretty sure we were all in bed by 1:00 AM. We sure know how to party!
I hope everyone else had a great holiday, too. 2008 is a little hard to say goodbye to, but here’s to ’09!
i love getting smartwool socks for christmas.
Isn’t it the best? This is the second year in a row for me, with hopefully many more to come!