Food on Film

December 7, 2011

Sadly, I don’t have anymore photos of Brianne to share. Yes, I was totally willing to milk that for all it’s worth. But I do have the next best thing: FOOD! Which is what almost an entire roll of film I got back was made up of. These were all shot over the summer after Ben re-united me with his grandpa’s Canon AE-1.

Croissant from Grand Central Bakery, and hot cereal with milk, honey and plums.

Stumptown coffee, fake bacon and homemade blueberry mini-scones.

My birthday breakfast with Chris, at Bridges Cafe.

Coffee and pie with Brianne, at Random Order. It kind of turned into a “thing” — Can ya blame us?!

Seitan buffalo wing sandwich with Brianne, at the Sweet Hereafter.

Allyson sneaking a french fry at the worst (and best!) possible moment, at Irving St. Kitchen.

Good times.


Oh my god, these look all so so so good ! I’m starving now !

YUM. I propose that if I ever go to Portland again, we meet up and visit crazy delicious restaurants and take loads of pictures, yes?

Be sure to invite me along… ;)

Once again… NEED YOU EVEN ASK! Hah! :)

Um, need you even ask? But in case that wasn’t clear enough: HELL YES! :)

Man that food looks good! Great shots with that AE1.

For some reason I always think I need to have a special purpose for shooting film. Something about the costliness of it makes me cherish it way too much. I love these everyday food shots on film. I’m inspired to start pushing my boundaries while I’ve still got my day job. ;)

nice set, makes me want to go shoot some film. I finally got around to having pie at random order the other night. dang. good thing I’m way over in the westside ‘burbs.

LOOK HOW GREAT IT TURNED OUT!!! Hahahaha I still feel badly about getting in your shot.

Your photos is as lovely as always, and that PIE!!!!