2011 Snow Day

May 2, 2011

Chris is putting on his shoes as I type so we can go out for coffee and then pick up the negatives from our SF trip (!!!) but I wanted to pop in real quick and post some shots from Portland’s pathetic little snow day from back in January.

It’s been a long time since I shot 35mm. I forgot how fun that wide angle lens is.

And sadly, that’s not our motorcycle. It belongs to someone who lives in our building.

Camera: Pentax K-1000
Lens: Vivitar 24mm f/2.8
Film: Kodak BW 400
Scanned from negatives developed by Blue Moon Camera & Machine

Great recipes here and I will be trying them out.

Dude, that’s a lot of snow! (To me.) Did you hear about SF’s puny snow day back in like Jan or Feb? It literally was light (light!) sparse flurries for about 10 minutes around midnight. Traffic was jam packed of people trying to see it at Twin Peaks, and the news showed a home video of the flurries, looped over and over, for about 20 minutes. But even I was enthralled.

Haha! Well, I don’t come from a town that snows, but all my life I grew up really close to Mt. Shasta and Mt. Lassen so it was never too long of a drive before you were just surrounded by snow. Sometimes literally, too – once an old boyfriend and I drove to Mt. Lassen and we had to go through a narrow path with walls of snow as tall as our truck!

I did hear about SF’s snow day, though I didn’t know that it actually came to fruition! Too funny about the traffic jams. It’s sort of like that here in Portland, too. One or two flakes and people are jumping in their cars to try and get home asap when it ends up snowing for like 5 minutes altogether!

Yeah… I can understand this not being a lot of snow in comparison if you grew up around snow. Funny how you heard about the SF snow day. All in all, everyone basically decided that it didn’t come to fruition; those flurries were just so wimpy that even Californians agreed it wasn’t really snow.

I love how everything looks better in black and white! Love these film captures~

Wow! Chris looks so natural with a motorcycle!