Bikeh Panorama

October 1, 2010

Like Alice said in a recent post, we photographers are pretty big suckers for bikes these days. I’m definitely no exception, and when I learned about the Brenizer Method I specifically set out to find a bike to do my first shoot ‘n’ stitch with.

The Brenizer Method, or “Bokeh Panoramas,” are a way of shooting several overlapping photos from a single scene and stitching them together on the computer to give a shallower depth-of-field, much like what you’d get with a medium or large format camera.

This shot was cropped from a much larger panorama of 66 photos. I decided to go the extra mile and pull out all my fauxtography stops to give it that extra oomph – there’s an SOOC photo in the comments as a reference.

While there are many tutorials on the internet, I used this one, as the diagram with the lines and arrows really helped me understand exactly what’s going on in this technique.

Fun, but a little time consuming.

Camera: Nikon D300
Lens: Nikkor 85mm f/1.8
Actions: New BW action, Sloppy Borders.
Available through K. Miller Actions.

[…] was telling Jordan about bokeh panoramas and fired one off because, really, who can actually explain in plain speaking terms what a bokeh […]

[…] Even though I had just puked into a trash can in the foyer of my dentist office, I still had the good sense to stop Chris in this little walkway to fire off a bokeh panoramic. […]

[…] is my second bokeh panorama, stitched together from ~30 photos, shot with an 85mm lens. It’s not perfect, though I still […]

[] Thanks! I just love that term, too – noodling around – hehe!

[] Uhhhh YEAH. A little too much fun if you ask me. I’ve come to the conclusion that the Brenizer Method is a thinly veiled plot to get us all to kill our cameras and have to buy new ones. ;)

wow! what a difference! great noodling around. :)

Wow 66 pictures stitched?! Crazyyy. love the end result though.

I know, it sounds like complete insanity! Before I actually did one I thought “Who would need more than 10 photos for this project?” But once you get snapping it’s hard to stop.

I am a sucker for a bike as well, I still haven’t’ found the “right angle”. Lovely photo you have up there!

I actually took a few steps back to take this photo, to try and capture the field of view that I was eventually going to have with my final product.