Water Gun Fight in Laurelhurst Park

July 7, 2011

As a precursor to the 4th of July, a bunch of us gathered in Laurelhurst Park on Saturday to welcome summer into the PNW with a water gun fight. I managed to stay relatively dry (thus marking me the champion of the water gun fight, according to the official rules), but the real champs were Jenica (Le Petite Destroyer) and Casey (Baron von Blast) who creamed the competition and kept the fun going long after the rest of us were beat.

Enjoy the show.

The final play: Casey stages a coup against Jenica and reigns victorious with both Baron von Blast and Le Petite Destroyer under his control.

Thanks to everyone who made it out that day. It was a… blast! (wah-wahhhh!)


[…] Previous years: 3rd Annual | 2nd Annual | 1st Annual […]

[…] year a group of friends kicked off the summer with a water gun fight in Laurelhurst Park, and I’m happy to say that this is now an official summer tradition for […]

I just came across your site, and I am in love with this! It’s such a simple thing but most people wouldn’t think to photograph it.

[…] adventure got me super pumped for future summer activities. Berry picking on Sauvie Island and water gun fights in Laurelhurst Park are seriously a handful of weeks […]

[…] “Review: Think Tank Retrospective 5 Camera Bag“ Kim Miller’s “Water Gun Fight in Laurelhurst Park“ Rick Poon’s “lei’d […]

Oh this is fantastic. This is WAY too much fun. It makes me want to get a squirt gun asap.

WAY too much fun!!! I loved this post — it is the perfect embodiment of summer fun. I wouldn’t be able to cull it down past these 55 pics. Awesome work, yo.

i’m lovin this set big time. great job!

If I were a fatherly figure I think I would say, “awww you did a good job with your picture taking, squirt.” Ha

Looks like you guys had a blast! :-D