San Francisco (Part 3)

April 28, 2011

I’m going to keep this brief because my bedtime is creeping up on me (the downside of working early, is going to bed early). I’ve been occupied with other items of business today, but realized that at this rate, each day’s blog post will illustrate what I was doing exactly one week prior. The geek in me thought that was kind of neat.

So, what was I doing last Thursday? Basically walking another million miles (if you’re new to story time, the count is currently 2 million miles), with some tasty bites in between.

Jess took us to see the sights: Chinatown, Citylights, Vesuvio and so forth. We shared a coke, some coconut M&Ms and a glass of fairy grass juice (aka chartreuse).

I forgot how to shoot landscape-oriented photos, apparently.

I also got to meet up with fellow Flickrers Cindy, Seth, Pei and Chris. Though, I was a fool and didn’t realize we’d be going out for a bite to eat, so I was ready to explode when Pei suggested we get pizza at Little Star.

Unfortunately, for some inexplicable reason, none of us pulled out our cameras until later, after Cindy and Seth went home. Pei, Chris and I had a fun little night-time shoot in a cutesy alley that absolutely does not look like you would get murdered in. Maybe.

So much for keeping it brief. Here’s the goods:

Camera: Nikon D700
Lens: Nikkor 50mm f/1.8; Nikkor 85mm f/1.8
Actions: Simpler Simon, Time Machine, Rosewater
Available through K. Miller Actions.

You and your friend in the mirror – best image! young cindy sherman you are….

It’s always interesting to see your city from a different point of view. I love living in SF, but I rarely wander around all day. I’ll have to schedule in more time for that!

I scrolled through the pictures before reading the text and immediately knew where you were (I probably could’ve guessed from the “walking a million miles,” too. Seems like the thing to do in San Francisco). Love them – especially the City Lights/Vesuvio shots.

these pics of SF are so beautiful, seem you had fun!

Ah, I recognize so many of those places. Those folks know how to have a good time. And Bi-Rite is a must. (And Philz.)

Chris’ legs drifting into the feet in the next photo is my favorite part. Those aren’t his feet!

I noticed that too, but only after I published the post! Funny cowinkidink.

Loving your vacation posts Kim! I recognise so many of these places. I have the same bokey photo of the Stockton Tunnel, haha. Is the photo of the stairs at Powell Street BART?

Oh man, your memory is unreal. I’m not POSITIVE that it is but I’m pretty darned sure. We didn’t ride the BART to too many places, but Powell St was one of them! Crazy beans!

In my humble opinion these are some of the best photos you’ve ever taken, which may sound weird but it REALLY captures the area. I really love the street photos you have, I knew it was Cali the moment I saw it and made me really miss the area.

Also, I personally like going to bed early and rising early. I used to be a HUGE night owl (sometimes not going to bed until the sun was rising) but I much prefer it the other way around.

Sweet dreams. =)

Haha, thanks Sara :) Not weird at all. Sometimes I fret too much about the quality of my photos, but realize I just need to let go and shoot. That’s what I did on this trip, and whenever I do, I always feel like it results in my best work to date.

I’m with ya on early to bed & early to rise. I’m not a nap person at all, so on those special days when I only work 5am-10am I have a whole DAY to enjoy after getting my work day in. But, it’s definitely a problem in the spring & summer seasons when the sun is out later, so hard to go to bed when it’s still light out. Also, last night I totally said “Screw it!” and stayed up until 9:45 so I could squeeze in All My Children. I’m bad to the bone, I know. :P