Jenica & Diego | A Woman and Her Very Large Cat

April 7, 2012

Portland Pet Photographer

Three girls and two cats — four girls if you include me. That kinda ratio of humans to kitties is enough to make a cat lady cry. Fortunately, Diego was willing to bear the responsibility of Captain Snuggler for my session with him and the girls — and oh boy, did he get snuggled. His feline friend, Fera, on the other hand, could care less if she got any kisses. She simply has more important things to do, like stare out the window for 5 straight hours, or Matrix-jump off walls.

I’ll admit to getting choked up one or two hundred times while editing this session. Since then, Jenica and Diego have exchanged Portland, OR for Champaign, IL. It was a hard week for all of us to let such good people go, but I couldn’t possibly imagine holding back someone with that many hearts and stars in their eyes.

Best wishes to you, Jenica!

Jenica & Diego - Portland Pet Photographer - Caturday

Jenica's Eyelashes - Portland Portrait Photographer

Macro of Cat's Nose - Portland Pet Photographer

Jenica and Diego - Cat Portrait - Portland OR

Diego - Cat Portrait - Portland Pet Photographer

Diego Longcat - Cat Portrait - Portland, OR

Jenica and Diego - Portland, OR

Jenica and Diego - Portland Lifestyle Photographer

Bribing the Cat with Treats

Cat Tongue

Cat Licking Owner's Hand

Cat Licking Owner's Hand - Portland Pet Photographer

Two Girls, One Cat

Kelsey and Diego - Portland Pet Photographer

Two Girls, One Cat - Portland Portrait Photographer

Jenica, Kelsey and Diego - Portland Pet Photographer

Manx Tabby by the Window - Lifestyle Cat Portrait

Jenica and Diego - Portland Pet Photographer

Cat Portrait by Magic Window - Portland, OR

Silhouette of Cat and Owner by Window - Portland, OR

A Girl and Her Cat - Portland, OR

Girl Kissing Cat's Paw - Portland, OR

Jenica, Kelsey and Diego - Family Portrait

Jenica Sewing Diego's Cat Toy - Portland Lifestyle Photographer

Manx Tabby and his cat toy

Jenica and Diego - Cat Portrait - Portland Lifestyle Photographer

Diego in the Kitchen - Cat Portrait

Diego Looking for Fera

Cats in the Window - Portland Cat Portrait

Cats watching humans from window

Lara, Jenica and Kelsey - Portland Portrait Photographer

Lara, Jenica and Kelsey - Portland Portrait Photographer

Lara, Jenica and Kelsey - Portland Portrait Photographer

Girls Making Goofy Faces - Portland Portrait Photographer

Lara giving Jenica a Kiss - Portland Portrait Photographer

Happy Caturday!


These make my heart smile. I miss Jenica and Diego so much, such a delight to see them together like this.

Just stumbled across your amazing blog and am in awe of the wonderful photos of cats. They are so telling, each and every one. I will definitely be stopping by again.

Oh man!! Kim!! I love these! I would love to have some pics like these of me and my cats. So good!!

Hi Kim, love your caturday series and love the way you capture everyday life! may I ask which actions did you use to process this shot, I’m especially interested in the BW, but the colors tones are good too! Thanks!

Hi Daria! Thanks so much for your kind words. Most of the photos in this session were edited in RAW with some presets I hope to release very soon, and then had a basic action (close to Simpler Simon) run over it. The black-and-white photos were processed with a new action called Minox which I also hope to release soon. Hope that helps!

Pet portraiture how it should be! Candid, beautiful, and fun! Alice goes nuts over Temptations too. Your use of light, as always, makes me sigh with happiness.

P.S. I laughed aloud for so many of these, but my favorite funny photo was that of Diego standing upright looking out the window, silly kitty butt never gets old!

Kim! WOW! These all look so beautiful!!! Thank you so much for doing this, it was great fun and your skills make us look so good! Diego says “hello” and he thanks you for making him an internet star, one step closer to his pro-modeling career. We miss you already!

Thanks Jenica, I’m really glad you like them. The gallery of all the images taken that day will be ready for you soon! Hope Illinois is treating you guys good!

Oh wow, I love all the love! Such gorgeous use of light. My favorite sessions are always of people in their homes, and I feel like you really captured the beauty of their lives!

Yep – adorable all around. The felines, the humans – this entire blog post is one big “awww.” Love it, especially #21 and #22 – those two are just stunning.

Insane portraits! These are so good!

Awww kitties! Love the shot of the girl on the bed with her face near kitty’s face. Adorable.

Oh my gosh! I am in love with this set! I love that shot of she and the kitty sitting in the window. But all of them are just wonderful.

Best cat pictures. EVER. I don’t even like cats that much and I love this cat.

Very nice set of images. You have real affinity for the subjects and it shows with the slice of life feel to the pictures. The black and white ones are especially evocative compositionally. Especially the shots: the gorgeous wraparound of the light of Diego when he looks back at Jen and the use of line to emphasise the z-axis where Diego sits in the doorway watched by Jen.

What a purrfectly fab cat-tastic post! Love all the kitty pics and the fun shots of the girls.

Now that is one handsome kitteh – what wonderful shots and am insanely jealous that there is a cat who so obviously loves posing. Our cat scoots the minute the camera comes out!

(Oh my gosh, snuggling with a cat in glasses… I can’t!!! SO CUTE.)
This is such a great session- definitely keep-in-an-album-forever kind of photos :)

These are SO beautiful. The colors are amazing. The one where she is laying in bed with him is insanely gorgeous. Diego is awesome! He’s a manx! I grew up with a manx.

Amazing, as always. I would love to have pictures like these of me and my cat.

Such a great set! So fun and sweet. I especially love that last one; the perfect closing shot.

wow! just wow! these are so great, Kim. You never seize to amaze. And that cat… the cutest!!!

Ack! Kim, these are so beautiful! Really, all of them are fabulous and I would love to have my portrait taken properly with my darling cats! The 15th from the bottom- I GASPED OUT LOUD! As a cat lady, photographer, and someone who feels awkward in front of the camera- I immediately thought if I were her, I’d be ordering an 8×10 ASAP!
