Family Visit

August 2, 2011

Before giving away the Canon AE-1, I shot one last quick set of photos on some old black-and-white I had lying around. I really wish I hadn’t done that. I’m now eager to hunt around for another bargain on a Canon AE-1 to keep for myself. I forgot how much I loved to shoot with that little thing!

But, as my camera collection grows larger (too large, some might say… pssht) I recognize the importance of a good deal. So, I’m officially promising myself that I won’t buy another Canon AE-1 unless a bargain comes along that’s so good I’d be a fool to pass it up… Right, hah!

Anyway, these are some photos I took with the AE-1 while Chris’s parents were in town this summer. We met their “new” 12-year-old pup, Shanti (whom we kinda fell in love with… Don’t tell Franny and Felix!), went to Laurelhurst Park, ate at Vita Cafe, did some window shopping in the Southeast and got Root Beer drunk in Irving Park. Good times!

Camera: Canon AE-1
Lens: Canon FD 50mm f/1.8
Film: Kodak BW400CN
Scanned from negatives developed by Blue Moon Camera & Machine

[…] parents drove up for a family visit, with their newest furry friend in tow. Shanti used to belong to Chris’s grandmother, but she […]

[] The Virgil’s Orange Creme Soda is purdy durn good as well. I pick up a four-pack of that, or the cherry, every time I make a Whole Foods run.

[] Aflackian Quacklings! Say THAT ten times fast! Also, I will now hang my head in shame and admit that I don’t actually like cherry soda (but usually because companies try to combine it with cola. Ew, just… No!). But I do love cherries, AND cream soda. So, I’ll give it a whirl. Besides, what could go wrong? Shit’s brewed in Heaven!

I promise I’m taking good care of that beautiful Canon AE-1. Still so grateful I won. I have 1/2 a roll of film shot and hope to finish it up soon! I’ll post some photos on my blog when I have the negatives back and will be sure to let you know. Thanks again!! Hope mine turn out as beautifully as yours!!

Awesome, Meghan! I’m so excited to see what you do with it. I think that’s one of the greatest things about shooting on old film cameras – the fact that you are very unlikely to be the first person to have shot with it. There’s something, I dunno, ~*magical*~ about it all, haha. Have fun!

Cool noir-ish shot of the Aflackian quacklings. FYI (re: the Virgil’s root beer shots on the blog): Virgil’s Black Cherry Cream Soda is the best!

[] Oooh! I never thought about that. See, I always just thought it was a matter of size, but now you’ve gone all smarty pants on me. ;) I don’t feel like I shoot BW enough, either. I always shoot color and think "Well, I can always convert it to BW and then I get the best of both worlds!" but it’s never the same. Photoshop just can’t beat a BW film’s original rendering of a scene.

I think it’s a pond. Don’t lakes have inlet/outlets and ponds are self-contained? Beautiful shot. You make me want to shoot some b&w.