I don’t know how I always manage to look so damn smug when I get my picture taken. I guess it’s my very practiced alternative to looking like a complete buffoon with a serious case of Erica Kane neck, which– despite being more embarrassing– is actually a much better representation of myself.
Anyway, this photo was taken by Chris to finish a roll that’d been with Cinna since mid-May. It was supposed to be of Chris, but at the last minute he wussed out and I had to take his place.

Camera: Rolleiflex 2.8C
Film: Agfa APX 100
Shutter / Aperture: 50 / 2.8
Photo shot by Chris.
Scanned from a negative developed by Blue Moon Camera & Machine
Film: Agfa APX 100
Shutter / Aperture: 50 / 2.8
Photo shot by Chris.
Scanned from a negative developed by Blue Moon Camera & Machine