Brianne B. // The Veto Power

July 17, 2011

Brianne’s been waiting a few weeks to see these shots I took of her in the SE earlier this summer. The second shot caught her mid-sentence and resulted in a less-than-flattering facial expression.

I really liked it, and tried to convince her it looked cool in a Diane Arbus sort of way, but she wasn’t buying it. On top of that, Chris informed her of Veto Power – a rule I like to keep hush-hush for obvious reasons. ;) But, we came to a compromise and she liked this 4×5 cropping.

Thanks for always being a good sport, Brianne!

Camera: Rolleiflex 2.8C
Film: Fuji Pro 400H (expired)
Scanned from a negative developed by Blue Moon Camera & Machine

[…] Change Your POV — Shoot from the ground, the hip, the tabletop or above. Look up in the sky (No, literally!), look down at your feet. Get a […]

LOVE the facial expression!! Very quirky. ^__^

Sweet. Love that bike. A really nice colour palate going on here.

I pretty much just focused on her outfit — I’m super into it! Great colors in both shots.

Great shot. Awesome color. Nicely composed and captured.

In love with this shot! I am so jealous that it’s not mine! :) :)

so very 3D. the last one especially just POPS. your friend looks so fun!

These are beautiful! I swear, every time I see one of your Rolleiflex photos I fall instantly in love. I must get my hands on one of those cameras some day! Oh and tell Brianne she looks adorable! :-)

LOVE the rich colors of these shots…

Will your friend to be my personal stylist?

Hahaha. :)

Dude, tell me about it! Whenever we get together it’s one of those moments where I take one look at her and then think, “Dangit!” I think her secret is colorful linen and almost-never pants. I will totally introduce you two when you move here! You guys would get along really well.