30 Days of Gratitude

November 1, 2011


It’s November.

I’m diving head first into the month with the Gratitude Project after eavesdropping on Jade and Sara talking about it via Twitter.

Pictured above is something I hope to take advantage of in these next 30 days: my camera bag. Since work started picking up over the summer I have been seriously neglecting not only my film cameras, but also my need to shoot for myself. Having the ability and opportunity to document my life in photographs is something I’m extremely grateful for. The fact that one of my greatest nuisances in life is getting bus fare so I can drop off my film is a whole other gratitude post. ;)

I hope you were able to kick off November in style, be it with a lazy morning, a brisk walk through a pile of leaves or simply enjoying a hot bev when you got the chance.


[https://www.flickr.com/photos/62468127@N04] It’s an *emera bag!

Where is your photo bag from? i want one!

Good luck! I started two days late, but oh well. I can’t wait to see more. I just love looking at your film photographs. I miss using my Canon AE-1 and wish I could afford to still use it.

Now that is a photog’s bag! :) Love the bokeh and light.

I am totally unawares of this, but 100% on-board. So much so that I am seriously evaluating if this should be a project for me as well. Inspired!

I’m on the Gratitude bandwagon, too. Feels good. I’m doing the Flickr thing and even pulled my tossed-aside Gratitude journal. And I’m even grateful for that. xo

I caught this late yesterday and didn’t get the chance to tell you how much I love it and the sentiments behind it. Can’t wait to see what else you are grateful for this month :)

Super! A bag of photog goodness.

How have I not heard about this project yet? I think I may have to join you guys…a day late.

And I’m with Sara; as much as I love your weddings and engagement sessions, I really miss your everyday life photos. :-)

P.S. Nice bag. ;)

Great focus and bokeh. Love the warm light and the contents of your bag. Looks like you’ve got some awesome camera stuff in there!

Can I tell you how much it warms my heart to be able to peek inside your bag and see the words "ILFORD" staring back at me?

the composition is gorgeous!

I love reading about others who are as shutter-obsessed as I am ;)

whoa whoa whoa, what’s this gratitude thing?? it sounds great!

also i totalllly need to shoot more for myself. i think now i shoot like 90% for clients/work and 10% for myself, if even. blahhh. gotta get back into that.

I’m so glad! I really miss seeing your everyday life photos. =)