21 Polaroids in 10 Days

May 17, 2012

Falling Down the Rabbit Hole

The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well.

You may have noticed a sprinkling of Polaroids on the blog lately.

Well, dudes… it finally happened. I done gone and bought my very first Polaroid camera (and then another, and then another. Oops!).

It’s been awhile since I was exposed to a whole new world of photography, but since buying the Polaroid Spectra earlier this month I’ve been having my mind blown left and right by the possibilities. Getting straight-up giddy over photography has been an awesomely refreshing experience.

In just 10 days I shot 21 Polaroids, and the count is on the rise. Some of them are duds, some of them are okay, some of them only serve to teach me a lesson. And, I admit it, a few of them I take out of their safe keeping and look at daily.

Polaroid Spectra - Expired Film - Lifestyle Kitchen

Polaroid Spectra - Impossible Project - Vase, Tulips and a Magic Window

Two Cats Looking Out the Window - Polaroid Spectra - Impossible Project - Silver Shade

Polaroid Spectra - Impossible Project - Color Shade - Graffiti and Jumping

Cats Looking Out Opposite Windows - Polaroid Spectra - Impossible Project Color Shade Film

Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival - Polaroid Spectra - Expired Polaroid Film

Steam Train Operators at the Wooden Show Tulip Festival - Polaroid Spectra - Expired Polaroid Film

A dog and a man with table standing on Hawthorne, Portland, OR - Polaroid Spectra - Expired Polaroid Film

Marquee at the Bagdad Theater on Hawthorne - PDX - Polaroid Spectra - Expired Polaroid Film

Drunk Polaroid at Sweet Hereafter and Self-Portrait of Feet - Polaroid Spectra - Expired Polaroid Film

Birthday Polaroid Group Shot in Laurelhurst Park - Polaroid Spectra - Impossible Project Color Shade

Alice was not a bit hurt, and she jumped up on to her feet in a moment: she looked up, but it was all dark overhead; before her was another long passage, and the White Rabbit was still in sight, hurrying down it. There was not a moment to be lost: away went Alice like the wind.

I think it’s plain to see that this is an area of photography that I have a lot of learning to do. If only you knew the troubles I encountered (or the blatant follies I made) with my first pack of film. I fear telling the story, lest I sound like an utter newb. :)

Let’s just say I was ready to throw in the towel before the rad folks behind the Impossible Project stepped in, not to mention my Polaroid-wielding pals who had nothing but good advice — and patience! — for me. A million thank-yous for taking care of me, guys.

The photos in this post are evidence that even seasoned photographers make huge mistakes when they fall down rabbit holes. The key is to be like Alice — to let your curiosity guide you, even if it briefly gets you in trouble, and no matter what, keep chasing that White Rabbit.


[…] falling down the rabbit hole and experimenting with Impossible Project film, I eventually got fed up with the guesswork involved […]

Kim the one with the curtain makes my heart flutter. I have have the Spectra and a few others. My fave was the 680 SLR but it died (r.i.p.). I like the larger size of the Spectra and you really did a magnificent job for someone that just started. What were those secret tips you got, do share…

Godamn these are beautiful! I have 4-5 polaroid cameras allready but now i have to get a spectra as well.

[…] 3 My talented friend Kim has taken the plunge into instant photography. I love her initial results! […]

um… looks like you know what you’re doing to me. ;)
and yes, that curtain shot is breathtaking! i really love those shots of the cats too. you are more talented than you realize.
can’t wait to see more!

The tulips and the curtains…so dreamy! Onward…

Lovely shots! I especially like the darker, brownish ones. My birthday’s coming up so I’m thinking I might get a Polaroid camera myself!

That tractor man has one serious stache! WOOOWZERS

The window shot with the curtains…GOLD! I can’t wait to see the direction you take with these once you get the hang of it. Granted, I’ve been shooting Polaroid since 2009 and I’m still learning! haha

It’s such a fun medium to work with….I get giddy every time. ;-)

Kim, these are all quite lovely but I GASPED at the window shot. Oh. my. gosh. OHMYGOSH.