Poor Scruff. He’s always all on the outside looking in and stuff.
The problem with Scruffy is that his biggest draw is his ultimate downfall: he’s just so damn lovey. You’ll be snuggling with him one second, and then five minutes later when you’re ready to just settle down, he’s still headbutting your chin and kneading his claws ten inches into your gut.
He is the needy girlfriend that stalks your living room window while you’re trying to eat dinner and watch Nurse Jackie.
I will say, though, that Scruffy is the one and only cat I’ve ever known to actually spoon with a human being. This was taken Halloween weekend and we watched so much TV together on the couch, it was insane. He definitely gets points for being the happiest, most content cat ever. So long as he’s in the house and on your lap, that is.
Happy Caturday!
Film: Kodak Portra 400VC
Scanned from a negative developed by Blue Moon Camera & Machine
Nope, only after i clicked it. :P