Happy Frannurday

April 16, 2011

Oops! I mean Happy Caturday. ;)

Weekends are a little unpredictable at my day job – I can normally expect to be totally finished and clock out anytime between 9:00 or 10am, but today I was there until a bit past noon! Considering our shifts start at 5am, I had some killer QT time with Franny when I got home.

Felix was invited to the party, but he told me he’d already watched the latest episode of All My Children while I was at work. Psht! He’s so like his dad.

On a serious note… A friend of mine recently had to take her cat, Baxter, into emergency surgery to save his life after swallowing a foreign object, and she now is facing over $3,000 in medical bills. If you’ve got anything to spare at all, there’s a Paypal set up to help them offset the cost of saving their furry friend’s life. Anything at all would be gratefully appreciated.

Camera: Rolleiflex 2.8C
Film: Ilford HP5 PLUS
Scanned from a negative developed by Blue Moon Camera & Machine

Oh soo sad, vet bills are incredibly expensive — definitely empathize with the situation. Do you know what the foreign object was? paperclip, rubberband, ballon, plant? Definitely makes me consider small objects that could be dangerous to kitties around my house.

[https://www.flickr.com/photos/glark] Haha! If I was smart enough to know how to do that, hoo boy.

Heh. I see what you mean. I half-expect this to be an animated gif where the cat slowly slides to the left. :)