Fran on Film

February 5, 2011

The last roll I shot on the Holga was a quickie. I had a brief spurt of inspiration to just shoot instead of hoarding frames for months on end like I always do.

Unfortunately, when the Holga is involved, moments like those usually end up in wasted frames. This roll as a whole was no exception, though there are more than a few shots I’m in love with.

Like Fran here, staring out the bedroom window on a sunny day in January, looking all too cool and aloof. Like, “You call this a sunny day? Meh, I’ve seen better.” Franny is the ultimate hipster cat. The looks she gives cut to the bone!

Happy Caturday!

Camera: Holga 120s
Film: Ilford HP5 PLUS
Scanned from a negative developed by Blue Moon Camera & Machine

[…] really have much to say about this shot, except that I love it, and that I inadvertently took almost the exact same photo of Franny some months […]

hahaha! love her expression. x)

Film Noir Cat does like her monochromatic shafts of light though (that Feline Fatale).

Gorgeous work. Light is superb and Fran is looking uber cool!

that’s what i love about holga! it does suck though when you only get a few keepers and you paid fourteen dollars to get a roll developed.