
May 28, 2011

A couple frames of Fran & Felix doing what they do best: absolutely nothing.

The second frame isn’t very sharp because the sound of the shutter jostled Fran from her afternoon nap. Oops! :)

Taken April 26th, 2011 at 6:00 PM and April 29th, 2011 at 4:30 PM, respectively.

Happy Caturday!

Camera: Rolleiflex 2.8C
Film: Kodak TMY 400
Scanned from negatives developed by Blue Moon Camera & Machine

Felix looks so much like my Jasper! I get the evil look a lot too. :)

I love the contrast of the two cats.
wonderful in b&w.

admired in
the cat who turned on and off

( ?² )

wow, the black one is cursing us :-))

seen in Cats on film – analog cat group

Wow…death glare. Beautiful black and white contrast and grain!

Priceless picture of the 2 cats on the bed (?), Kim

proof that all cats are evil!

and up to no good.

haha nice! his stare is priceless

He don’t like pictures. Good shot.

You are being given a highly suspicious glare.

Franny is getting so big!

I knowww! Chris teases me constantly because for the last 3 months I keep saying, “I know she’s gotten bigger, but she still looks so SMALL!” I guess it’s hard to compete with a stud like Felix. ;)