Blast from the Past: Sweet Pierre

January 8, 2011

Pierre was my cat throughout high school; one of the best pets I’ve ever had. My mother lives in a townhouse and my bedroom window had an awning which Pierre would use as his own personal front porch. I eventually had to leave the screen off my window because he continually clawed it off so as to gain access to my bedroom each night.

He disappeared one day when I was in junior college and was never to be seen again.

Miss you, little guy.

Happy Caturday!

Camera: Nikon FM10; Canon AE-1
Lens: Nikkor 35-70mm f/3.5-4.8; Unknown
Film: Unknown

Thanks for adding this to the Cats on film group! :)

Pierre is a great cat name. Sounds like he loved you too!

awww he is so beautiful. i hope he had a good life after he disappeared :-