Irving Park (Part II) // Old Dirty Bastard

July 9, 2010

I know a certain someone who has been patiently waiting 2+ months to see photos of our NOM-a-thon in the park.

The story behind this particular set of shots? Well, Ms. Day, queen of face stuffing, was visiting Portland back in May and we teamed up for some fun.

The ammunition? A Voodoo Doughnut called Old Dirty Bastard: Chocolate frosting with crunched up Oreos and peanut butter drizzle.

Meg was brave enough to kick things off for us.

The deliciousness is almost unbearable!

Bonus points for finishing with style!

Next up is yours truly…

That’s hott.

And I’m apparently never too mature for a little “see-food.”

And what’s this? We have newcomer Andrew stepping up to the plate!

Though he got off to a shy start, Andrew proves he can stuff face with the best of ’em.

Post-facestuffing, Andrew plays it cool. “Donut? What donut?”

Previously: Irving Park (Part I): The Party.

Photos 9-16 shot by Meg
Photos 9-16 taken by Meg and processed by me.
Some shots processed with a new action, Darken Rahl.
Available soon through Mouffette’s Photoshop Actions!

[…] We all got together in Irving Park to celebrate Chris turning 30, and, you know, any excuse to stuff our faces (more of that coming in Part […]

I was just visiting Portland a few weeks ago and visited Voodoo! I was totally going to get that bacon maple one, but the black bacon threw me for a loop. I chickened out. Still cool though. :)

[] Ha! So true. My whole life is just one blackmail possibility after another. ;)

I love your watermelon earrings.

Girl, you have ample blackmail possibilities already.

i am having a serious jones for a sugar hit right about NOW!

Those sugar-bombs look like they have almost erotic appeal.

Nothing says time well spent as well as black Oreo teeth. =)


so happy that these finally surfaced!

re: voodoo & lines: check out voodoo II it’s waaay bigger and has pinball and a photobooth. and i think you can get married at either.

glad to see my title as face-stuffing queen is still intact. thanks, jillian!

kim, i looourve your see food. and for a newcomer, i say andrew’s got what it takes!


We need to start an official club!

BTW, I still have loads to share from the birthday picnic, from face stuffing, to snack nibbling, to drink guzzlin’. More good stuff on the way!

1) thank GOD there’s even more. i look forward to all of the above.
2) we SHOULD have an official club.
3) is there any way i could be a pesky brat and see if you couldn’t make a little mosaic of my shots for me? i wanna make it my profile pic. if it’s a pain i’ll just choose my favorite :)
4) just realized the link is to my facestuffing set. HA. though recently i had to make a good chunk of them friends & family only since the flickr stats revealed that a BUNCH of them were posted on a custom fetish website under the facestuffing category. i had no idea it was so HAWT! :P they’d probably be all over that super sexy one of yours too.

I love this so much, I oughta marry it.

Haha! These are awesome! I especially like your “This is hott” face, and it was cute how Andrew did seem shy at first. I definitely think that Meg is the face stuffing queen though. :)

How come we’ve never stuffed face together before, Jillian? I mean, we’ve had more meals together than I can count. You must be too classy. :P

Oh, no…definitely NOT. I promise to stuff face with you the next time we’re together. Hopefully it’s in Portland and with some of those Voodoo donuts!

I’m ready to come visit P-town and stuff face with the best of you. ;)

Dude. Dew it!

is there always a line out the door at voodoo donut? I was there the same day as the rose parade and gave up… maybe next time!

You can definitely expect to wait if you swing by on holidays and other special events, but I’ve lucked out with no lines before. You just gotta hit it up during the “off season.” ;)

Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Tiny Treasures, and we’d love to have this added to the group!