First, I want to take a moment and thank everyone for the positive response to my last two video posts. I’m really looking forward to making more movies for the blog, and even have a couple ideas underway.
And now, my adventures in film continue. I haven’t slowed down with the film at all lately, it’s getting a little ridiculous! Like I’m >this< close to starting a new blog altogether to chronicle this journey.
But, that would just be silly, so here we go: two shots from a visit to Redding last fall.
There aren’t many things I dislike about living in Portland, but of the few that exist, not having access to a lush, private yard is one of them. Whenever we’re in town I try to take advantage of Chris’s mom’s property, which has had a lot of hard work put into it over the years. It’s the perfect background for portraits and though I never think of it at the time, whenever I get film back I always marvel at the way the bokeh pushes through the fence at sundown.
Um, you could probably guess the reason behind this post’s title… :)
Film: Kodak Portra 400VC
Scanned from negatives developed by Blue Moon Camera & Machine
I read that as crotch fire. Flare fits better ;)