Burnside Skatepark

February 13, 2012

The Burnside Skatepark in Portland is one of those things that you always hear about, but it’s hidden in such a way that you aren’t likely to ever just stumble upon it. You have to really go looking for it. Or, y’know — know someone who skateboards.

Allyson and I discovered the Burnside skatepark during our walkabout in the Untapped Wonderland. At the time I’d been cursing myself for only bringing black-and-white film with me. I mean, that graffiti out there is pretty amazing. But that light is even more amazing, especially when it lines up so perfectly that you could swear these guys were sliding down the rails of a shadow. When I scanned these frames in, I couldn’t’ve been happier that there wasn’t any color to take away from that.

For once, chance did me good. A couple of these are hands-down some of my favorite images I’ve produced since moving to Portland.

Portland Oregon - Burnside Skatepark

Portland Oregon - Burnside Skatepark

Portland Oregon - Burnside Skatepark

Portland Oregon - Allyson Riggs - Burnside Skatepark

Portland Oregon - Burnside Skateboarders

Portland Oregon - Burnside Skateboarders

Portland Oregon - Burnside Skatepark

Portland Oregon - Burnside Skateboarders

Portland Oregon - Burnside Skateboaders


#6. For sure.

Wow. All those lines make it seem more like a graphic novel than photos. No wonder you love these! Awesome.

I love the light and shadow in these! My favorite is the third from the top because I love the way my eye falls first on the skater, follows his shadow to the skull, and then naturally comes back to the skater. Love it when my eye is trapped in a photo like that =)

Thanks Jonathan! That is exactly how I hoped the photos would come across. :)